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Verse 2: Psalm 23:1

Context and Significance

Psalm 23 is one of the most beloved psalms in the Bible, often recited for comfort and encouragement. It is attributed to King David, who was himself a shepherd before becoming king. This verse is the opening line of the psalm and sets the tone for the entire passage.

Historical and Literary Context:

  • Location in the Bible: Psalm 23 is part of the Book of Psalms in the Old Testament, a collection of poetic and hymnic writings.
  • Literary Genre: Psalm 23 is a poetic psalm, expressing personal trust and reliance on God. It is categorized as a “Psalm of David” and is a quintessential example of a “shepherd” psalm.
  • Authorship: Traditionally attributed to King David, reflecting his experience as a shepherd and his relationship with God.

Meaning of the Verse:

  1. “The Lord”:
    • The term “Lord” here is translated from the Hebrew word “Yahweh” (often written as “LORD” in capital letters), which represents the covenant name of God. It emphasizes a personal and relational God who is involved in the lives of His people.
  2. “Is my shepherd”:
    • The metaphor of God as a shepherd illustrates His role as a guide, protector, and caretaker. In ancient Israel, a shepherd’s role was crucial in providing for and protecting the sheep, symbolizing God’s attentive care for His people.
  3. “I shall not want”:
    • The phrase “I shall not want” (or “I lack nothing” in some translations) signifies contentment and trust in God’s provision. It expresses confidence that with the Lord as one’s shepherd, all needs will be met.

Theological Implications:

  1. God’s Provision and Care:
    • The shepherd imagery underscores God’s role as a provider and protector. It assures believers that God is actively involved in their lives, meeting their needs and guiding them through life’s challenges.
  2. Contentment and Trust:
    • The promise of “I shall not want” reflects a deep sense of trust in God’s sufficiency. It encourages believers to find contentment and peace in the assurance that God provides for their needs, both physical and spiritual.
  3. Personal Relationship:
    • The use of “my shepherd” highlights a personal relationship with God. It emphasizes that God is not a distant deity but is intimately involved in the life of each believer.

Reflection and Application:

  1. Embracing God’s Provision:
    • Believers can take comfort in the assurance that God, as their shepherd, will provide for their needs. This verse encourages trusting in God’s timing and provision, even when circumstances are challenging.
  2. Finding Contentment:
    • Psalm 23:1 invites believers to cultivate a sense of contentment and gratitude, recognizing that true fulfillment comes from reliance on God rather than material possessions or external circumstances.
  3. Experiencing God’s Guidance:
    • The shepherd metaphor suggests that God offers guidance and direction in life. Believers are encouraged to seek God’s guidance in decision-making and to trust in His leadership.


Psalm 23:1 is a profound declaration of trust and contentment in God’s care and provision. By understanding this verse, believers are reminded of God’s role as a loving and attentive shepherd who meets their needs and guides them through life. It provides a comforting assurance that with the Lord as their shepherd, they lack nothing and are fully cared for.

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