Project Pack Templates - Web, Brand, & Consulting


Content is a King
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Jul 15, 2023
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Web Design Edition
This Project Pack has every single template and deliverable you will need for your website design (or redesign) project.

Getting started guide
Give your clients a killer onboarding with this eBook which will introduce your client to the project. It includes sections about their role in the project, what they can expect when working together, and the project logistics.

Web design brief template

A briefing template I’ve used with my clients for years. Perfectly tailored to web design projects. This brief will ensure you and your client are on the same page when the project begins

Process chart
A visual way for your clients to see your entire process – including which tasks are their responsibility and which are yours. This gives you and your client an at-a-glance reminder of your process at any stage.

Inspiration board
A beautiful inspiration board template where you can display look and feel ideas for your clients. Easily insert images and colours to truly capture their style.

Business intake questionnaire
A questionnaire to find out all about your clients’ business. This is a results driven questionnaire and will ensure you have all the date you need to create an effective finished product for your clients.

Website intake questionnaire
A comprehensive intake questionnaire about your clients’ website and what they (and more importantly, their customers) are drawn to in terms of design.

Content worksheet
A worksheet you can give to clients to help them get their content not just written — but written effectively. This worksheet will ensure your client is writing goal-based copy.

A workbook to accompany the content worksheet which gives your clients information on how to write effective content and how to use the associated worksheet.

Before we begin checklist
A handy checklist to make sure your client has given you everything you need when you start a website design project. Never look unprofessional again by needing to send out last minute requests for login details or files.

Source for the course:

Web Design Edition

Includes: wireframe templates, website style guide, presentation templates, and more.

Marketing Consulting Edition

Includes: Research worksheets, intake questionnaires, report templates, and more.

Brand Identity Edition

Includes: Logo concepts presentation template, brand guidelines book, research questionnaires, and more.

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