How to make money online for beginners without paying anything


Content is a King
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Jul 15, 2023
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As a beginner, it's important to have a strong passion and be willing to make sacrifices, including investing your time in mastering at least one skill. Some great skills to consider include affiliate marketing, blogging, and drop shipping, among others.

In today's world, to earn money through online means, one needs to set aside their ego and concentrate on acquiring relevant skills. It is essential to master these skills before moving on to the next step of devising strategies to make money without any investment.

As a beginner, consistency is key to achieving success online. Work hard, continue learning, and never give up. It is important to maintain a consistent effort in order to achieve your goals.

Places, where you will learn skills, are :​

  • Youtube is a great place for learning, by watching tutorials
  • Chatgpt is a tool for learning.
  • Linkedin is another source for learning skills.
  • TikTok is newly platform where you can learn a skill by watching short tutorials
  • Vimeo is another video platform for learning skill.

The benefit of learning skills before making more money online​

Learning skills online through the platforms I mentioned above is great. Most of them offer free video tutorials, allowing you to choose which skill you want to focus on and learn.

In today's world, many beginners believe that they need to invest a lot of money in AI. It's true that AI technology is becoming increasingly important, and even I use it in some of my work. However, my advice to beginners is to be cautious and not overspend on AI technology.

Finally, my advice for beginners learn first before focusing on how to make money.