Custom Twitter Feeds Pro Wordpress Plugin


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Twitter Feed Plugin for WordPress – Our Journey
Hello and welcome to Twitter Feed Pro, the best Twitter feed plugin for WordPress.

Are you looking for a newbie-friendly way to easily make, customize and embed Twitter feeds on your website? Introducing Smash Balloon Twitter Feed Pro: the best WordPress Twitter feed plugin in the market, trusted by 150,000+ users to help them showcase engaging Twitter content online.

With 53% of Twitter users being more likely to be the first to buy new products from brands, it’s now more important than ever to include Twitter in your social media marketing campaigns.

But with the average lifetime of a tweet lasting for about 18 minutes only, it’s difficult to capture the attention of your market if your tweets are overshadowed by other brands’ Twitter posts – especially if you consider the fact that over 118 million businesses use this social media platform.

So why not use the best Twitter plugin for WordPress, Twitter Feed Pro, to seamlessly integrate your Twitter content into your website as well?
When you use a WordPress Twitter plugin like Twitter Feed Pro to embed Twitter feeds on your site, you can easily:

Convert site visitors into Twitter followers
Build customer trust in your business using social proof like Twitter hashtag feeds and mentions timeline
Boost your sales with positive Twitter testimonials on your website
Skyrocket user engagement by showing tweets from your Twitter profile timeline, directing users to your latest blog posts or newest products
And more…

Plus, unlike other Twitter WordPress plugins, Twitter Feed Pro is optimized for speed, so it’s lightweight, ultra-fast and won’t slow down your website performance. It’s also reliable, so you can rest easy knowing that your Twitter feeds will continue to stay up and running, even when Twitter is temporarily down.

Collectively, Smash Balloon social feed plugins are happily used by over 1.75 million professionals worldwide to display social media content on their websites. We’ve built a strong community over the years because of our newbie-friendly but powerful social media feed plugins – and also because of our dedicated customer support team.

Want to see user testimonials for Twitter Feed Pro? You can read tons of testimonials from our happy customers here. Smash Balloon Twitter Feed Pro has a solid rating of 4.9/5 stars, which is a testament to our dedication to providing top notch customer service for our users.

Here at Smash Balloon, our goal is to make it easy and fast for you to create, customize and display engaging Twitter feeds on your WordPress. Using our Twitter feed plugin for your website means you can embed a Twitter hashtag feed on your website or add a Twitter feed widget on WordPress – no technical knowledge or design experience needed.

Twitter itself doesn’t give you an easy way to display customizable Twitter feeds, so it’s hard to embed Twitter feeds without a plugin. Instead, you can use the best Twitter feed plugin for WordPress to display the following Twitter content on your website:
Twitter user timeline – Display a timeline of tweets from any Twitter user
Twitter hashtag feed – Display public tweets that contain a specific hashtag
Twitter home timeline – Display the latest tweets from your homepage
Twitter search results feed – Display Twitter search results on your website
Twitter mentions feed – Display tweets that mention your Twitter account
Twitter lists feed – Display tweets from all the accounts from any publicly available Twitter list
Twitter carousels or Twitter feed slideshow
Twitter sidebar widget or Twitter feed on your footer area

Want to learn more about how you can embed Twitter feeds using a free plugin? Read this article on how to get Smash Balloon Twitter Feed for free. Smash Balloon Custom Twitter Feeds (Tweets Widget) is the free version of Twitter Feed Pro, the best Twitter feed plugin for WordPress.

You can use this Twitter feed plugin for free so you can quickly showcase engaging Twitter content on your site, but it doesn’t have access to advanced features.
If you’d like, you can try it out first before upgrading to Twitter Feed Pro so you can unlock access to features like:

Showing photos, videos, and gifs in your tweets
Including tweet replies in your feed
Access to ready-made Twitter feed templates so you don’t have to start from scratch
Access to Twitter mentions timeline
Autoloading more tweets when scrolling to the bottom of the feed
Showing tons of tweets at once in a masonry gallery
Filtering Twitter feeds by hashtags or specific words
And more!

Thank you for taking the time to read about the Smash Balloon WordPress Twitter Feed Pro plugin.