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Did you know the Queen of Sheba in the Bible was born in Yemen

Did you know the Queen of Sheba in the Bible was born in Yemen , Raised and lived in Abyssinia (Now Ethiopia ) and Died in Nigeria ? … History is indeed beautiful ..

Queen of Sheba , Also (Bilkis) by the Yemen Arabs and Bilikisu Sungbo Alagawura by the Yorubas in 10th century ..
The Christian Bible described the queen as a woman of immense power, intellect and wisdom, who came to visit King Solomon when she heard of his outstanding wisdom. It was recorded that she came with “a very great caravan of camels, carrying spices, large quantities of gold and precious stones”. It was also stated that “never again where so many spices brought into Israel as those the Queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon”. In Islamic tradition, she is commonly referred to, as Bilkis, Bilqis, Balqis or Balquis by the Arabs, who believe that she came from the city of Sheba, also called Mareb, in Yemen. Historical and archeological studies revealed that there are many links between the Biblical queen and Bilikisu Sungbo of Ijebu land. The Queen of Sheba is said to be associated with ivory, eunuchs and gold. Ivory and gold are known to be very abundant in Nigeria at the time, while eunuchs were present in ancient West African palaces.

History also stated , The Queen of Sheba appears as a prominent figure in the Kebra Nagast (“Glory of King”), the Ethiopian national epic and foundation story. According to this tradition, the Queen of Sheba also (called Makeda) visited Solomon’s court after hearing about his wisdom. She stayed and learned from him for six months. king Solomon heard of Sheba’s outstanding Beauty , Hairy and Dark-skin Woman from another Continent entirely , He met her out of curiosity.. On the last night of her visit, he tricked her into his bed, and she became pregnant. She returned to her kingdom, where she bore Solomon a son, Menilek I the great grand father of His Imperial majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I the founder of Rastafari Religion..

The exact location of the Queen of Sheba’s death is not known for certain. According to various legends and historical accounts, she was believed to have ruled over the ancient kingdom of Sheba, which is believed to have been in present-day Ethiopia or Yemen. However, the specific details of her death and burial are not well-documented. It’s fascinating to delve into the stories and mysteries surrounding her though! 🌍👑

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